Friday, April 30, 2010

Has it almost been a year?

We're quickly approaching P2's FIRST birthday!!  Man, where did the time go???  Seriously, WHERE???  It seems like yesterday I was trying to get pregnant and here we are celebrating the first year with our precious little PenPen.  This Sunday, on her actual bday, we're having M's side of the family over for dinner and cake.  Since my family is mostly out of state, it will just be a small group.  That's OK, I'm sure Mimi will go crazy and buy enough stuff for 100 relatives!!  It's always nice having a shopper in the family. ;)  I wonder who else I know who loves to shop?!?!?  I digress.

Since I'm going to be busy cleaning my house like a mad woman, and getting the party together, I thought I would post the story of P2's birth now.  If it makes you feel better, don't read this post until May 2nd, and then it will be EXACTLY one year to the day!!!  bwahahahaha  :)

Friday 5/1- It was my second day off from work and I had my last Peri appt in the morning. Everything was perfect so I figured I was safe to get some last minute shopping done. I got a little carried away and was gone over 8 hrs! By the time I got home, I was whooped. In the evening, I started having Ctx but nothing too painful. I did notice they were more consistent than normal though. I had been doing laundry and stuff around the house so I figured it was just from me being so active. I did make a list for my hospital bag and P1 was packed to go stay with the ILs so that was done.

Sat 5/2- 3am I had woken up with the urge to use the facilities. Nothing new. Then as I was thinking about getting up, I felt this GUSH. I hopped up out of bed and ran to the bathroom, leaving a trail as I did. I started laughing hysterically and DH thought I had lost it until I told him what had happened. Well, we started running around like crazy. I had an entire day to get ready, this shouldn't have happened!!! I hopped in
the shower and he found the number to L&D. When I was done I called to let them know I was on the way. After throwing everything in a bag (thank goodness I made a list!) DH could not find the video camera charger. Of course. Then the CTX started. OUCH. I told him we needed to go NOW. So off we went. Even though we live like 7min from the hospital, we didn't get there until 4am....still didn't find the charger (my camera takes movies so we were OK). When I got hooked up, Pen's hb was great and I was dialated to a 2-3. YIPPY! Then shortly after I was about a 4-5 and then I asked for the Epi. He came in, did his thing. No problem and I was numb. But when they upped the Pit I felt this odd pain on my right side. My right hip, gut, and lower back just on that side started killing me, and it was happening when a CTX started. I suffered through it for an hour thinking it would go away. Of course it was shift change by then, so I asked the new nurse to call the new Anthes. He came in and just thought I needed more medicine. So more I got. Nope, didn't do anything. It was about 10am and the nurse checked me and said I was at a 7! Yippy. So the Anthes said maybe the cathetir needed to be adjusted, so he pulled it out 1cm. Nope, still pain and it was getting worse (along with the CTX). By this time I was crying through each Ctx. The Anthes came in again and gave me more medicine. It was finally enough to knock me out. I think I slept for an hour and when the dr. came in to check me again, I was still at a 7. It was now after 2pm. Oh, during the 'nap', Pen's hb was dropping after each ctx and I woke up to an O2 mask on me. My OB said she could stretch me to an 8, but it was looking like I would probably need the vacuum to bring Pen out and it could end up being like P1s birth. NO THANKS. So we opted for the C-section, reason being failure to progress.

After being prepped for surgery, Penelope Rose was born with a healthy set of lungs at 3:11pm, weighing 6lbs 3oz and 19in long. She was perfect! Agpars were 9/9. When they told me her weight I said "that's it?!" LOL So much for my big baby! Her head wasn't even that big, but for some reason she was getting hung up on the way out. The surgery was fine, but the shaking. OMG, I couldn't stop shaking. They had some heater hooked to a hose and even then I could not stop shaking. I had to spend a few hours in triage but we never found out why. That first night was a nightmare. They had all kinds of tubes hooked up to me, the foley cath, these blood pressure type compresses on both my legs to prevent blood clots and then the nurse wanted me to sleep on my sides for three hours at a time. The first night was rough. Pen was great though and latched on right away! The nursery said she's tiny but she's tough!

Today is Saturday, she's a week old and I'm still on the pain meds. C's SUCK. I applaud you moms who have had more than one. The hematoma of P1s birth was worse, pain wise, but this C is in a class by itself. Driving home from the hospital, I thought my guts were going to fall out. Then forget about laughing, coughing or sneezing.

Anyway, so that's her birthstory! Oh, the diabetes is gone, Pen was never effected by it, & yesterday at her first Pedi appt, she's back up to her birthweight! She is a little jaundice so we're having to keep her in front of the window and yesterday she needed labs to check her levels. It was OK but we were told to supplement the BFing, which we were already doing.

My milk just came in on Thursday. I'm also suffering from a touch of PPD. I'm already on meds but I see my OB on Monday to have the sutures removed and I might talk to her about something else as I've been super weepy since we brought her home.

In all, we're all adjusting well. DH has been an incredible help, I couldn't ask for a better husband/daddy. P1 is just in love with baby sister and is a HUGE help. I'm so blessed!!!


Tanya said...

Happy Birthday Pen!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Raising Twin Girls said...

Awww. Happy B-Day Penny. I never got to read your birth story since I was up at the hospital so much with my girls in the NICU. So nice to remember that day and seriously, how did this year pass us by so fast?? Let's hope the next one moves along a little slower.