Monday, April 26, 2010

Pen vs won

Saturday morning P1 was asking for breakfast.  Normally I don't (read: ever) make her a warm breakfast on the weekdays, so I don't mind cooking something for her and I on the weekends (M doesn't like breakfast. Weirdo!).  I had all the ingredients, so I decided to make french toast.

Wheat bread, eggs, milk, cinnamon, and a splash of vanilla.  That's it.

Since Pen was up, and she was munching on some breakfast puffs, I decided I would give her a peice and see if she liked it.  No syrup or butter was added to it, just the ingredients above.  Now, I know babies aren't supposed to have milk or eggs until their first birthday, but since we're a week out (GASP!) I didn't think there would be any harm in trying it.

Wrong.  She ate maybe like 5 pcs and decided she didn't like it.  OK, no problem. I gave her some banana and she was OK.  Well, about 10min later she started coughing and then proceded to throw up her banana and puffs.  She was so upset and I figured she just wanted her am bottle.  We went and sat on the couch and she was just crying and crying, even though she was still trying to take down her bottle.  She finally had tired herself out so much that she fell asleep.  TOTALLY UNLIKE her in the morning.  So I'm holding her and while she's sleeping I notice what look like bite marks on her face.  Odd.  Then her cheeks end up getting redder and redder.  Oh, M had gone to the doctor because he has been sick for a week, so it was just me and the girls. 

Finally Pen wakes up after about 20min, and finishes the rest of her bottle.  When I pull her away to look at her, I see she's COVERED in welts, bumps, etc ALL over her body.  I slightly freak out and I'm waiting to see if she starts having trouble breathing.  I had my phone ready to call 911 if she suddenly started having a difficult time.  THANK GOD she was happy at this point, despite looking awful. 

Since we have Zyrtec in the house, I gave her a dose and snapped a few pics. 

These pics were the beginning of what it started to look like.  It got much worse, and the top half of her ended up looking like a bad sunburn, while the bottom of her was all red bumps and welts.  It was awful looking and I felt HORRIBLE for giving her those foods.  Again, thankfully she wasn't acting funny. 

I'm so thankful the medicine started doing its job, and I'd say about 40 minutes later she was about 98% rash free.  It was SOOOOO scary.  Now I know when I do try to introduce those foods again, I will need to do them one at a time (BAD mommy, I KNOW this, yet didn't...BAD MOMMY) and see where the allergy originated from. 
I'm happy to report that the rest of the weekend she was fine and only had some reddening around her diaper area that was cleared up with some cream.  Poor baby.  No more french toast for PenPen.


Raising Twin Girls said...

Poor baby girl. She looked awful. I can't believe she looked even worse than those pictures. I guess you will have to "slowly" introduce new foods.

SarahRachel said...

Eeeeeeeeeeek!! That's a serious reaction!! I'm totally on the "ehh, close enough." bandwagon when it comes to food and this definitely made me rethink that! I'm so glad she's okay.