Monday, December 14, 2009

Single Mom

 I don't envy them.  It must suck to be a single mom.  Never getting a break from the chores.  Never getting a break from the kids.  Having to do all the laundry, all the cleaning, all the cooking, etc etc.....  Eeek, no thanks.  I knew I loved and appreciated everything that my hubby does for us, but now I'm really thankful for him.  Since he had the back surgery (which was a success!), all of the responsibilities we use to share are now mine and mine alone.  I'm tired.  Very tired.  P2 still doesn't think sleeping through the night is a good thing, so trying to keep the house running smoothly on limited sleep is starting to ware me down.  I could crash right now on my keyboard, but somehow I think my company would frown on that. 


beth said...

Did he get back to work? How is he recovering? It was really hard the first few weeks after Vince's surgery...At least P2 is older...Garrett was 2 months and I was still sore!

Raising Twin Girls said...

I hear you Mamma! I hope M gets better soon and you can get a good long sleep sometime.

SarahRachel said...

Hope he keeps recovering well. My aunt was widowed when her boys were 1 and 4 and I've often thought of her and how hard it would be doing things on my own.