Thursday, December 3, 2009

P1, P1, P1

Have I ever told you how much this kid cracks me up??  From the time she could talk, she was saying the funniest things.  Not only is she hysterical, but her outlook and perception of the world around her is one of the many reasons why I love that little girl to the depths of my soul. 

These are a few of my favorite Piper-isms through the years:

Age 2, she was singing christmas carols in the backseat and copying me.  "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, had a very shiny *shit* nose".  I hit a pot hole and guess who didn't miss a beat while repeating after me!  I had to silently crack up!!

Again at 3, while driving I took a wrong turn and got lost.  She was chatting and I asked her to be quiet because I was lost.  Her reply? "No mommy, you're not lost, you're right there".

Again at 2, we call boy & girl parts by their real names at our house, so when she walked in on M getting out of the shower she gasped "Daddy, what's that on your 'gina?!?!".  OOPS. 

Around 3, she saw M in his boxers and said "Daddy, I love your big girl panties!!". 

At 4 she learned to tie her shoe.  I said "I can't believe you know how to tie your shoe, you're not even four and a half!"  She said "No, I'm four and a whole!". 

At 6, "Mommy, I really like Batch & Mahzert".  She means Bach & Mozart (yes, she loves classical music and dances around the house like she's a ballerina!)

At 7, at dinner the other night. 
P1: What is for dinner cuz it looks like fish.
Me: It's muppet. (I couldn't resist!  It was a porkchop!)
P1: It is? What's a muppet? (Do you feel old?!  We did!!)
Dad: Like Big Bird & Elmo.
P1: Oh. 
P1: Daddy, can I have more Muppet??  

Last week at the grocery store while looking for cat litter, "Mommy, do you have a coupon for Tittie Cat".  Horrified, I said "NO, it's TIDY CAT".  Thank goodness we were alone!!

This week when she said she couldn't do something I had to remind her of her age.
Me: YES you can because you are 7. 
P1: I'm 7 and a half
Me: No you're not.
P1: I'm 7 and three quarters.
Me: No you're not.
P1: Well, I'm 7 and three pennies.
Me: Fine.  LOL   


Raising Twin Girls said...

OMG, I am in histerics reading these. I'm actually reading them out loud to my co-workers. That child is a riot!!!