Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well my DH is having back surgery tomorrow. :(  I'm scared for him, but I'm hopeful that it will bring him some relief.  He has three herniated discs and they have been rubbing on his sciatic nerve and causing him a lot of pain in his hip and upper thigh.  He's been in some degree of pain for over a year now and he's tired of it.  He takes Ibuprofen like it's candy and we all know that's not good for the body.  Plus, he's had two rounds of shots to numb that portion of the nerve and its only brought minimal relief.  Since I had the c-section in May and my gallbladder removed a week later, we've met our out-of-pocket max for the year so he's making the best of it and getting it done now rather than later. 

If you have any extra prayers to spare, please send some up for my hubby.  I hope and pray the surgery goes smoothly and that he gets relief from the pain.  I love you, honey. 


Kari said...

Thinking of you and your hubby today. Hope all goes well.

Raising Twin Girls said...

Oh wow, you didn't tell me about this. I hope all goes well. KUP.