Thursday, January 14, 2010

Breastfeeding Sucks

Hate it.  Despise it.  Detest it. Loathe it. 

But, I do it because it's the best, it's free, the delivery is quick, and oh ya, it's free. 

It hasn't come easy, that's for damn sure.  BFing and I have a Love/Hate relationship.  Most of the time it's a hate one.  I think I only love it when it's 4am in the morning and a little girl is screaming her head off.  A half comatose me only needs to lay back down with her and pop the boob in her mouth and BAM!  silence and back to sleep we go!!!   It's a beautiful thing.  Anytime else and it just sucks.  Don't even get me started on the biting.  Labor, Vaginal Hematomas, &  Kidney Stones are slightly more painful. 

I've been nursing her since she was born, but I do have to say it's not exclusive.  My supply was non-existent for a few weeks and I wasn't about to let my infant starve.  Colostrum my arse.  Never EVER saw a drop of that stuff.  So, for both of my girls, their diet consists(ed) of breastmilk AND formula.  I've accepted it, so should you.  I highly commend those gals (My heroes Amy & Shalonda come to mind!) that are able to nurse exclusively, but that's so not me.  Both girls are lucky to get what I'm able to give. 

That brings me to my next blitch.  Oh ya, I forgot to tell you all I'm coining a new word.  You heard it here first.  Blitchverb, means to bitch in your blog about something recently in your life that has you ticked off.  To Blitch.  I'm going to Blitch today.  I have a lot to Blitch about.  Nope, nothing to blitch about today.  Why don't you go blitch about it instead of whining to me about it. 

You get the idea.

So, my current blitch is my supply issues.  Since P2 is eating a lot of baby food now (which I'm still making myself! Yae me!) her demand has slacked off some.  My supply has never been great in my opinion, but with the new foods it has dropped significantly.  I'm trying to up it again.  I've increased my pumpings at work and also increased my fluid intake.  This is also the second day I've been taking Brewer's Yeast tablets every 3-4hrs.  Just a few days ago, I was barely yielding 4oz with my two sessions.  Today I'm happy to report I've pumped 7oz in my two sessions.  That's almost a 50% increase.  I don't think I'm out of the woods, but it's a start.  I'll report my harvest for a few days in a row and see how it goes!   I think I need to post some new pics too!  Until then.......


Alison said...

Nice work Mama! Keep it up!!

SarahRachel said...

I'm so glad you were able to increase your supply!! I need to up mine, too! And I HATE BFing too! I don't understand those people who are like "it's such a beautiful, wonderful thing!!!" WHAT!? Really!? Ugh.

Raising Twin Girls said...

Yay for an increase. There is so much power in more water and extra pumping sessions. Remember supply and demand. Even if Pen isn't demanding you should trick the bbs' into thinking she is with the pump. Keep it going!!!

Oh and I love Blitch!!! That is such a perfect T word!!! AHahahaha

Shalonda said...

It is tough, but it sounds like you're on the right track. Thanks for the shoutout.