Sunday, January 3, 2010

He Sings

You think after 10yrs being with someone, you would know the ins and outs of them.  This morning, I actually learned something new about my hubby.  He sings in the shower. I've heard him sing along to the radio in the car before, but singing in the shower is a new one. 

Now everyone who knows me IRL knows that I sing.  Like, REALLY sing.  My first performance, solo performance was at age 3.  I've since performed on cruise ships, sang the National Anthem at baseball games, performed for thousands in musicals etc etc... So everyone knows that I sing.  I'm especially a diva in the shower!  But really, aren't we all Celine Dion in the shower?!?! 

Anyway, this morning I was putting away laundry in our room and I hear this voice coming from the shower.  Not loud by any means, but clear enough to make me think "where is that coming from?!".  I creep over to the bathroom door and there I hear him.  My hubby, the first time EVER to my ears, singing in the shower!!  He didn't sound bad either.  He was actually in tune.   I was going to open the door and say something, but I didn't want to make him self-conscience about doing it so I quietly smiled to myself and figured I would just blog about it!  He made my day and he didn't even know it. :)