Sunday, January 24, 2010

I was right!

I've been absolutely right on the money with two things this week. 

For one, my baby does need tubes in her ears. :(  We had our ENT appt yesterday and the dr said her ears are so completely filled with fluid that it's quite possible everything she hears is muffled.  In order to allow the fluid to drain completely and free it from bacteria, the tubes are, and I quote "a no-brainer".  The dr. wants to do the surgery next week, but we're still working out the details.  It will be soon.  I'm sad that she needs surgery and she's so young, but I will feel more sad if I let her continue to be in pain and put her hearing at risk.  So that's that.  Guess she really wants to be like her big sister!

The other thing I was right about is the sex of my friend's baby.  Alison lost her baby girl, Moira, four days after birth and now she's been blessed with another little girl whom they will welcome into the world this summer.  I was pretty sure it was a girl from the beginning.  So much that I even bought something for this baby girl way before she was even conceived!  So it doesn't surprise me much that I was right!  I'm so happy for them!  I really can't stand when people become pregnant and others say "you really deserved it", as if to say to someone who has yet to conceive "you don't deserve it, that's why you're not pregnant yet.". KWIM?!  So I'm not going to say that Alison & Dave deserved this baby, I will say they NEEDED this baby.  Congrats again, Alison!!  I'm so thrilled for you guys!!!   


Raising Twin Girls said...

I love the look of the blog. Great job on the pictures!!! Poor Penny, I hope the tubes help her to feel better and start hearing better too.

I am so thrilled for Alison and Dave also. This baby is such a blessing for them.

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