Monday, January 11, 2010

Our ghosts prefer donuts

Something happened at my house this past weekend and no one is owning up to it.  That leaves me to believe that we have ghosts (or fairies or gremlins or leprechans etc...) and they like donuts. 

A few weeks ago I bought two packages of Mrs. Bairds mini donuts.  They were a BOGO and being the coupon lover that I am, I HAD to buy them.  OK, not really, but they were a treat for the family and I think I was hungry while shopping!   SOoooooooo.  Flash forward to Thursday when the girls and I were home for the day.  P1 asked for something for breakfast. While I was looking in the pantry, I saw those two half empty bags of donuts and thought "I need to toss those since no one is eating them".  I got side-tracked and just left them in there.  I have a thing about not eating fresh stuff like that after it's been opened for a while.  I don't care if it's still edible, I will toss it if it's been around a while.  On the other hand, M will eat anything! 

Yesterday, while in the pantry once again, I see the bags and this time grab them to toss them.  The first one was empty.  Odd.  I grab the second one, not a crumb to be found.  OK, so I immediately get all mom-like and start hollering "who ate the last of the donuts and didn't bother to throw the bags away?!?!?"  I hear a "Not Me!" in stereo from M and P1.  I said I KNOW I didn't eat them, so WHO DID IT???  Both of them completely deny that it was them.  After a while of all three accusing the other for this minor offense, no one is taking responsibility for their actions!  I hadn't had a single donut since they day I bought them, and M said he left about 5 in the bags a 'few days ago' so that leaves P1.  Now she's known to be a little sneaky and I remember her coming into our room on Sat morning saying she was hungry.  We told her to wait and we'd get up to make her something. She completely denied eating the rest of them.  I told her she wouldn't get in trouble for eating them, but she would get in trouble if she lied about it.  

So, being a mom, not a bright mom sometimes, I tell P1 to swear on Jesus' name and that if she lies about it she's going to HELL! <-----One of my not-so-bright Mommy moments, but I kept stressing she wouldn't get in trouble if she ate them but she better not lie about it.  Well, she said she swears.  So that leaves us out of options.  It's not a big deal, but REALLY strange. 

Heck, if I ate them, would I be blogging about it?!?!  We know sometimes P1 has been known to sleepwalk, and M's grandma who has Alzheimer's was known to wake up in the middle of the night, go hog wild in the fridge and then go back to bed. She would wake up in the morning and not have any memory of it.  Just a fridge that looked like a bear had gone looking for a snack. (Sad, huh?) 

I think it's funny that everyone has denied it.  I said I think it's P2.  We only think she doesn't know how to she's giggling to herself with a powdered-sugar grin!!   

Maybe we need to set up a camera and see who the culprit is!  I wish it were me...that would explain the weight issues I've had all my life! 


Raising Twin Girls said...

Wow, what an interesting situation. I lost my keys in my house last weekend. I had them when I got out of the car. I remember dropping them into my diaper bag and then getting Riley out of the car seat and going into the house. The next day I couldn't find my keys any where in the diaper bag, my purse, etc. They still haven't been found. Obviously, I drove home so I didn't leave them anywhere outside the house. So who took them? It was the ghost, I tell you.