Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello 2010

So it's official.  Not even 3 full days into 2010 and I've already blown my resolutions for the new year.  I think I left my willpower in 2009 (or was it 1994?!).  Well, to be honest I didn't really make any true resolutions for that reason right there.  I break them.  Always.  So, this year I was proactive and thought I would take baby steps in making life changes throughout the year and not call them resolutions.

Tomorrow I start with my new morning regime.  I've been bad lately about getting to work on time.  It's kind of understood in the office that if you get there before 9am, you're fine.  I've been sqeaking in at 8:59am most mornings and it needs to stop.  I'm really supposed to start at 8am, so I need to start making changes to allow that to happen.  The first being, setting my alarm clock for 6am and getting up right away instead of setting it for 5:30 and snoozing til 7am!  P1 received her own alarm clock for Christmas and she's set to wake up at 6:15 every morning.  My goal tomorrow is to get up at 6am and hit the elliptical for 15min, make and eat breakfast with P1, and then proceed with my morning.  HOPEFULLY my plan will work and it will be a smooth transition for us.  P2 hasn't kept the same sleep schedule in months so she will be the only one allowed to throw a monkey wrench into my plans!!  Maybe after a few days of this, she will get into the habit of waking at the right times.  Wish me luck!!!!! 


Alison said...

You can do it!!!! :)

Raising Twin Girls said...

Good luck Trinity. I hope Penny can figure the whole schedule thing out and you can be a part of the early riser club!!! It is not so bad once you get used to it.