Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blogger's Guilt?

There is a lot of tragedy out there in blogland.  So much that I sometimes feel guilty posting about my mundane life.  In fact, I'm scared to comment on the normalcy of my life, for fear that I will somehow 'jinx' myself and find tragedy 24hrs from now. 

That can still happen.  Tomorrow isn't a given.  It happens to anyone at anytime, and a lot of bloggers out there are dealing with life cut short, or life altered in such a way that I can only imagine. 

The blogs that touch me the most are those that deal with children. Being a mom changes you and the protective "Mama Bear" instinct comes out, whether it's your child or not. Plus, being in that stage of my life, it's who I am and what I can relate to the most. It's easy to feel empathy for those that are suffering where children are concerned.

I don't go searching for these blogs.  They are friends. Or friend of friend of friends.  They are linked with net searches for everyday life questions.  For example, I was looking for a "how-to" on royal icing, and came upon a blog about two siblings needing organ transplants.  WTH?!?!  Of course I read it and was touched immensely by this family's on-going journey to save their little ones.  It's heartbreaking, and yes, I don't have to read them, but I do.  I think I owe it to the children, to their parents, to read it if I stumble upon it.  If my reading it makes the loss/illness of their child less in vain, perhaps by educating myself, than so be it.  If makes me hug my children a little tighter.  To appreciate my family that much more.  To offer my prayers.

Still, I can't help but feel like my blog isn't worthy of your time because I'm not suffering some tragic event.  I pray that I never have to blog about stuff like that.  I'm sure those same moms would rather blog about the mundane, so-so existence of their lives.  I'm sure they would trade their entries with mine (or anyone elses) anytime, to get back the child that they lost, or to cure their sick baby.  I mean, who wouldn't? 

Well, it's taken me forever to even post this.  Still worried about jinxing myself.

I guess life is all about risks.  So here goes nothing.  I love my family & friends.  That's all one can do, right?   



Raising Twin Girls said...

I hear you mamma. It does make us sit back and look at the non-interesting silly things we blog about. I guess we can sit back and be happy that we have those non-issues to blog about and hope that we don't have to blog about the hard stuff. Those hard blogs just make us appreciate what we have so much more.