Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Almost Easter Bunny Pic

After taking the girls to have their Easter pics taken, I thought it would be a good idea to go over and have the girls pic taken with the Easter bunny.  In years past (with just P1) it's been something I would do if I was in the area.  I figured it was P2's first Easter I better preserve the memory and get her pic with the rabbit. 

As we walked to that area of the mall, I expected there to be a long line.  It surprised me to see that only a few people were in line.  It was, afterall, the last Sunday before Easter, so I thought everyone and their mama would be in line.  Nope.  Not even close.  In fact, as we got a little closer and got in line, a few people ahead of us stepped out of line.  Not a good sign.  We're waiting, and once we get to the front, a girl comes over with some sample photos and starts giving me the schpeal.  "You can get this sheet and this sheet, OR this sheet and this sheet OR....".  I asked how much they were a sheet.  She happily exclaimed "$24.99".  I think my jaw dropped at this point.  I said "Per Sheet???".  Yes, a sheet.  Holy BUNNY SHEET!  That's grand larceny right there.  Now I've paid for some over-priced Santa pictures during my mommy-dom, but $24.99 for one stinking sheet with a sad white rabbit?!?!?  Ummm, NO. 

I politely told the girl we were just going to visit the bunny (code for: You're on crack if you think I'm paying $24.99 a sheet!!). :)  Meanwhile, I tell P1 that I'm going to attempt to take a pic with my phone and to be looking at me and smiling when I walk back up to them to pick up P2!  (While trying to keep it on the DL because I see the sign that says to refrain from taking personal pics without a minimum purchase blah blah.  YA RIGHT!!)  So I sit both of them down, and oddly enough, when you're not smiling for the camera and trying to coerce smiles from children, there isn't a whole lot going on there.  There isn't much to say to a bunny, and he has less to say back!  So they just sat there.  AWKWARD!  hahaha  After what seemed like an eternity, I grab my phone and slowly walk up to get P2.  In my feable attempt to be sneaky.....

I present to you....

P2's first visit with the Easter Bunny....

HAHAHAAHHAAHHA  I've got proof she saw the Bunny.
$24.99 a sheet my a$$!!!!!!


Raising Twin Girls said...

Wow that bunny is a little freaky. And yes 24.99 is crazy but this 1st time mom actually paid. LOL

mommy2lijah said...

That's funny! What does a kid have to say to the Easter Bunny anyway?

$24.99 per sheet is highway robbery!

SarahRachel said...

Ha ha ha...I love that picture! Our Easter bunny is the same way. YEAH RIGHT! Luckily we have a train that goes around the mall and the Easter stuff (including the bunny) that's only 1.50 a ride. THAT is how Jackson saw the Easter bunny...waving, from a few feet. =)