Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Snotty, Barfy, and Froggy.


I'm running on little sleep.  It's almost 4pm and I'm fighting to stay awake.  Yesterday I came home to find a lethargic P1 lying on the couch, rosy cheeks, and a grump look on her face.  I ask what's the problem and she says "I'm Sick."  Ummmm, OK, care to elaborate for me??  M told me she had thrown up three times already. 

Now, first you must know.  P1 has vomitting issues.  She's had it for a few years now.  Fine one second, barfing the next.  No rhyme or reason. Can't figure it out to save our lives.  We've taken her to see Pedi-GI doctors, she's had a scope down her throat (the proper name escapes me!) and she's had a Ph-Probe done to check for acid levels in her tummy.  She's had CAT scans, ultrasounds, and EKGs and all come back normal.  She was diagnosed with slight reflux, which was a shock because she NEVER had reflux as a baby.  We were instructed to put her on Nexium powder, once a day for a few months and we did.  It seemed to help, but the doctors agreed she couldn't be on it forever.  After a while (much longer than the dr. recommended), we weaned her off of it.  The vomitting never ceased entirely, but now it's becoming the rule rather than the exception.  Since I'm horrible at keeping notes about it, I'm going to use my blog as a way to record her episodes from now on.  I apologize in advance. :)

So, this makes episode #2 for March.  She did throw up last week at the gparents house.  She ate nothing unusual there. 

Yesterday, she did have her normal lunch, but she did start the morning off with some kind of cereal bar that her friend gave her.  It sounded like it was full of sugar, but that's about it.  The vomitting didn't start until later in the evening, so I doubt there is a connection there.

Poor thing was up and down all night.  She sleeps with a bowl at night in case she can't make it to the restroom in time.  She's got pretty good aim. lol  I ended up sleeping next to her on the couch to keep her company since she didn't want to sleep in her room. 

I got little sleep. 


Then P2 woke up yesterday morning with a snotty nose.  I mean, REALLY snotty.  She wasn't running a fever, so I took her to school anyway.  She seemed OK once we got there.  Then last night she started running a low-grade fever and coughing.  She woke herself up several times last night, but thankfully she lulled herself back to sleep. 


On Sunday night, M started complaining about feeling congested.  Then yesterday complained about it again and really thought he was starting to come down with something.  This morning, when he was coming home from work so I could come in for a few hours, I noticed he sounds awful. Like he has a frog in his throat!!  He says he feels ok, just sounds horrible!

  Good Lord...the cat and I are the only ones not sick at home.  Wish us luck!  Knock on wood.