Tuesday, March 2, 2010


More crazy things the 7yo has come up with in her little life that crack us up!  Some are from when she was around 2-3, but I'm blogging so I don't forget them as she, and I, get older.  Mommy loves you Pipy!! 

Cold Snog= Cole Slaw
BuzzOnYa= Lasagna
Stooge= Stew
TandyTane= Candy Cane
TalkUhDieDull= Crocodile
TocaTola= Coca Cola
UmmRella= Umbrella
No No= any type of bug
There It Is= The first name of her favorite blankey
Old Boddy Boddy= The second name of the same blankey!
Enchilala= Enchilada

I'm corrupting her:  This year she wanted some Twilight Sweethearts for Valentine's Day to give out to her friends.  I bought them. They didn't have pictures on the packs, just Twi sayings on the candy.  She came home on the Monday before the party and said "Mom, do you think it's appropriate for me to take Twilight stuff to school?  I'm only in the first grade!".  I asked her who said that and she said nobody. I told her "it's JUST CANDY and if someone from the school has a problem with it they can call your mom!!!!!"   bwahahahaha