Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pen is 10 months old!!!!

Please tell me how this happened so fast?!  I can't believe she's in double digit months now!!  That's insane to me!  P1's first year went by fast, but P2's is 50% faster!!  I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that she will be one year in two short months.  That just doesn't seem possible.  I JUST HAD HER!!

So at 10mo, my sweet girl is very smart!  She can do the sign for "more", wave bye-bye, give us "five", is cruising and crawling like a mad woman, can make kissy sounds with her lips, thinks it's funny to throw her cup/bottle when she's done with it, lights up with a huge grin when she sees her big sister, doesn't stay down when I'm trying to change her diaper, loves to play peek-a-boo and sing the itsy-bitsy spider, she can say mamamama, dadadada, lalalalalala, buhbuh (she does this while waving), and all kinds of other random noises, she is trying to make the 'meow' sound when I ask her what does the kitty say, she loves to be tickled and cuddled, loves peas, mum-mums, apples, pears, sweet potatoes, yogurt melts, rice, and ground beef. :)

I love you PenPen.  Happy 10 months my precious Sweet Pea!!


Kari said...

Time goes so quickly! She is an adorable 10 month old!

Raising Twin Girls said...

Happy 10 Months Pen Pen!!!
Time is going by way to fast, isn't it? Weren't we seriously just pregnant???

SarahRachel said...

WOW!! That did happen fast! =) She is beautiful and sounds VERY smart!=)