Thursday, October 1, 2009

5 months already?!?

Tomorrow Pen will be 5mo old, if you count by months.  If you want to get all technical, well then she will be 4mo, 4wks, and 2 days...or whatever that ticker thingy says.  For all intents and purposes, she's 5mo (tomorrow), so there.

Where has the time gone?  Time flew by fast for P1's first year, but P2's is on warp speed.  I wish I could make it slow down a tad.  If I could, I would be a very rich woman.  So, my little Pen Pen is getting so big!  At her 4mo check up, she was 12lbs/10oz and 26.5in long!  She's a long beanpole.  I'm sure she's over 13lbs by now and probably over 27in!  She's also rolling around all over the place.  She rolled from her back to her tummy on Labor Day and she rolled from her tummy to her back before that!  My prediction is she will be walking, or close to it by Christmas.  Again, time, please slow down. 

She is such a sweet girl.  One of her teacher's at school totally loves her!  Everytime I go in there, Miss M is holding P2 or rocking her or always paying extra attention to her!  When you have a kid in daycare, it's a good thing to be friendly and personable with the caregivers...they end up treating your child a little bit better because of it.  It's not something I intentionally set out to do.  If I'm friendly to you, it's genuine.  If you know me in the slightest, you know that's no BS.  Anyway, so Miss M and I get along really well and in return she takes extra care of my little PBear!  It's a win-win!  For a proud mommy moment, she was evaluated in class yesterday and she did really well at just about everything that is appropriate for her age.  Another teacher left this comment about her: "P2 is such a beautiful little girl and soooo sweet.  She is very observant and smart.  She will always be quick to learn.  Keep up the good work.  She certainly is a joy to take care of.  We love her a lot."  Isn't that sweet?!  I thought so!!!!  I don't care if she wrote the same thing down for each baby!  LOL  jk! 


Raising Twin Girls said...

Awww..Happy 5 months baby girl. Stop growing so fast so your mamma can enjoy your babyhood. Aunt Amy loves you!!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Happy 5 months cutie pie! I can't believe how fast they're growing up. It makes my heart melt.