Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I can't stand that song (Hollerback Girl- Gwen Stefani), but it's what I think of when I think back to P2 trying her first bite of fruit on Sunday night (10-4).  I was making dinner and M decided he was going to give P2 another round of cereal and see how she does.  After all, she IS a week older and things can change!  Well, she actually swallowed it this time!  We were all in the kitchen watching her again and she actually opened up her mouth when he brought the spoon near!  It was very cute and of course we all cheered for her.  She looked at us like we were crazy, but don't most babies?! 

So then M got the great idea that she should try bananas.  Not just the gerber baby food bananas I had in the pantry, but a REAL smooshed up banana.  She gagged and then she did a little shake like "yuuuuccckkk".  It was very funny.  We were laughing so she started giggling and out it came, all over her bib.  M tried to give her another bite, and again...gag followed by a shake of her body.  Guess she wasn't liken the real bananas.  We'll try them again in a week, the gerber B-A-N-A-N-A-S!


Raising Twin Girls said...

Ughh..I always have that song pop into my head when I hear the word bananas. We will forever be scarred from Gwen Stefani, won't we?

At least she went for the ceral but I don't blame her on the bananas...I hated them as a kid too.