Friday, October 16, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a big day.  We're going to a friend's house to have some family pictures taken!  Now that we're a complete family of 4 and P2 is almost 6mo, it's time!!! 

Now I tend to get a little stressed and totally type-A when it comes to stuff like this because I want the pictures to be perfect.  I want my kids to look perfect, I want my kids to act like perfect angels,  I want to look perfect, I want us to look like the 'perfect' family.  You know and I know that's a pretty high expectation that will NEVER happen and we all know I don't have the perfect family.  It's close, but nothing is perfect.  No one is perfect.  With that said, I'm going to try really hard to just chill and enjoy the time with my family.  All the non-perfect 4 of us!!  Wish me luck!!