Sunday, October 11, 2009

Freakishly Long

That's one thing my girls did NOT get from me...their freakishly long eyelashes!!  Lucky girls!  I have the shortest, straightest lashes on Earth and yet both my girls have lashes that most people could only dream of having!  They can thank daddy for that!  When P1 was born, she was 5wks premature, she barely had any lashes.  Then within weeks they kept growing, and growing, and growing!  Her Mimi teased that she was putting all her energy into growing those lashes instead of getting bigger, "afterall..." she said, "a girl has her priorities!".  So true!  Now it looks like P2 is taking after her big sis! 


Raising Twin Girls said...

Oh I have the same thing going on with our girls. Riley's lashes are insane and Addison's are longer than mine. I don't know where they get it from...must be their daddy.

Those are pretty pictures of her lashes. So cute!!! She will be using those lashes to her benefit later on in life. Uh-oh...