Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Eve & We're Sick

I'm just not feeling it this year.  Normally, Halloween is my favorite holiday, next to Christmas.  I haven't even decorated my house.  I think having a new baby, dealing with M's back ailment, and working 40hrs a week is taking its toll on me.  It doesn't help that 3 out of 4 of us have been sick for over a week.  P2 has been sick for almost 2 weeks.  She is getting better, but it's been rough on her.  This crud that she has is awful.  Also, with no antibiotics to give her, there isn't much we can do.  Thankfully she's not running a fever anymore.  M and I both have it too.  I think M is getting better while I'm still fighting a sore throat.  I wonder if I do have strep.  Since I have no time to take myself to the doctor and since I'm not running a temp, I guess I'll never know.

To add insult to injury,  it doesn't help that last Tuesday one of P2's two bottom teeth poked through (sigh).  She's growing up. :(  She's actually getting two at the same time and I feel bad for the little girl.  Not only to be sick and miserable, but throw teething into the mix and you get one unhappy 5mo old.  She's on the mend though.  She was able to stay home with daddy all week so I think that helped her.  I'm happy they got to bond this week.