Tuesday, October 6, 2009

She wasn't the only one

In keeping with the spitting out food was mine & M's turn last night. 

I first must say what an awesome chef my hubby is.  Everybody says 'Oh my husband can make a great steak" or "my husband can BBQ really well.."  That's great and everything, but my hubby can really cook...and not just BBQ either!  He's been known to make such yummy dishes as shrimp scampi, Alaskan King Crab legs, Chicken & Potato curry, pizza from scratch, etc...  I must also say that since we've moved from CA, fish doesn't wow me in TX like it used to (CA=ocean 20min away, TX=ocean hours away).   M loves fish, but I choke it down since he goes to the trouble to make it. 

While I was finishing up nursing P2 last night, M called for P1 that dinner was ready.  In the kitchen, I hear a disgruntled P1 complaining about the 'yucky fish' for dinner.  I thought, 'Oh great, time to eat a lot of sides'.  I sit down at the table and see that he's prepared steamed rice, Mahi-Mahi baked with a Chai Teriyaki Chile sauce over it and broccoli.  Although it looks OK (I'm guessing to someone who likes fish, it really does), it smells pretty fishy.  I think all fish smells too fishy.  Anyway, so I spoon a bit of the sauce with some rice and take a bite.  No fish on that bite either....and
YUCK!!!!!!!!!! I quickly grabbed a napkin and spit all of it out.  It was GROSS.  Exceptionally DISGUSTING.  P1 was cracking up and jumped on the band wagon saying she didn't want to eat hers either.  Did I blame the poor kid?!  Eeeewwww.  So I tell M I'm sorry, but I can't eat it and thankfully there was some leftover pasta from the night before so I decided to have that.  We, P1 and I, shared it.  M had already choked down his portion of fish.  He said it wasn't the freshest piece (although it had been in the freezer the entire time) of fish, but he ate it anyway.  He couldn't understand what my problem was....until he took a bite.

He said, as he was taking a bite, "I don't understand what the big BLAAAHHHHH" and he spit it out, not in a napkin, but all over his finished plate!!  It was hilarious because M will normally eat anything!   He said "OMG, this is ROTTEN".   I said, "I KNOW".  He said his piece wasn't that great, but this was just BAD.   We estimated it had probably been in the freezer for a few months, so he's guessing it was freezer burned.  YUCK.   I will have to say that the pasta was the best pasta I've had in a while!!!!

So ya, this mama won't be eating any type of fish again for a LONG time!!!!!